[MenuItem("Assets/Get Content List of Assetbundle")] static void ListABContent() { string strPath = EditorUtility.OpenFilePanel( "Open AssetBundle...", Application.dataPath, "unity3d"); if (System.IO.File.Exists(strPath) == true) { WWW fileLoader = new WWW("file://" + strPath); object[] content = fileLoader.assetBundle.LoadAll(); Debug.Log("total objects =" + content.Length); for (int i = 0; i < content.Length; ++i) { System.Type objType = content[i].GetType(); System.Reflection.PropertyInfo objProperty = objType.GetProperty("name"); string objName = "<error>"; try { objName = (string)objProperty.GetValue(content[i], null); } catch { } Debug.Log( "obj[" + i + "] : type="+objType.Name+", name=" + objName ); } fileLoader.assetBundle.Unload(true); fileLoader.Dispose(); } else Debug.LogError("file not found"); }
把程式碼儲存在 C# Script,並置於 Editor 目錄之下,沒問題的話,功能表的 Assets 之下會多出一項 "Get Content List of Assetbundle",點擊之後選擇 Assetbundle 檔案,console 視窗將列出此 assetbundle 之下所有物件的型態 (Type) 及其名稱 (name)。
底下另外註記呼叫成員函數 (invoke method) 的方法:( 假設取得的 object 為 Texture2D,則呼叫其 GetPixels Method 的方法)
System.Reflection.MethodInfo GetPixels_Default = objType.GetMethod("GetPixels", new System.Type[0]); System.Reflection.MethodInfo GetPixels_Mipmap = objType.GetMethod("GetPixels", new System.Type[1] {typeof(int)}); Color[] retPixels; retPixels =(Color[])GetPixels_Default.Invoke(content[i], null); retPixels = (Color[])GetPixels_Mipmap.Invoke(content[i], new object[1] { 0 });
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